1. Go to www.registermyathlete.com and click Login in the upper right-hand corner
2. Click Create Account. Please select that you will be using the site as a PARENT if you are 18 years of age.
3. Enter all information and click create account
4. Click link to start/complete athlete registrations
5. Agree to the Terms of Use
6. Click “Ok Let’s Go!” on introduction to Landing Page
7. Follow prompts to use software and then click on “Start/Complete Registrations” in Left Hand Corner of Landing Page
8. Under Select School Type in Hohokam and a link for Hohokam Junior College will pop up to be selected.
9. Click Select Athlete and Add New Athlete (for first time users)
10. Insert your Full Legal Name and Complete ALL Questions to Create a New Athlete
· For Grade Select “12”
· For Year of Graduation Enter 2024
11. On next landing page select the current year that you are registering (2021-2022) and Select the Name of the Team that you are participating with.
12. Click on the box indicating that you have selected the correct information to begin the enrollment process for yourself.
13. Complete Guardian Information. You can list and use yourself if you are 18 years of age or older.
14. Accurately Complete ALL Insurance Information and Medical Information
15. Under Additional Opportunities Simply Click “No” for the two opportunities listed. (These are required as sponsors of the “Register My Athlete” Software and are not able to be removed from any organization that utilizes the software).
16. Begin to Complete and Upload ALL Required Documents.
**Once you finish reading a document and scroll to the top, a box will appear to allow you to confirm you have read to and agree to the terms of the document**
2. Click Create Account. Please select that you will be using the site as a PARENT if you are 18 years of age.
3. Enter all information and click create account
4. Click link to start/complete athlete registrations
5. Agree to the Terms of Use
6. Click “Ok Let’s Go!” on introduction to Landing Page
7. Follow prompts to use software and then click on “Start/Complete Registrations” in Left Hand Corner of Landing Page
8. Under Select School Type in Hohokam and a link for Hohokam Junior College will pop up to be selected.
9. Click Select Athlete and Add New Athlete (for first time users)
10. Insert your Full Legal Name and Complete ALL Questions to Create a New Athlete
· For Grade Select “12”
· For Year of Graduation Enter 2024
11. On next landing page select the current year that you are registering (2021-2022) and Select the Name of the Team that you are participating with.
12. Click on the box indicating that you have selected the correct information to begin the enrollment process for yourself.
13. Complete Guardian Information. You can list and use yourself if you are 18 years of age or older.
14. Accurately Complete ALL Insurance Information and Medical Information
15. Under Additional Opportunities Simply Click “No” for the two opportunities listed. (These are required as sponsors of the “Register My Athlete” Software and are not able to be removed from any organization that utilizes the software).
16. Begin to Complete and Upload ALL Required Documents.
**Once you finish reading a document and scroll to the top, a box will appear to allow you to confirm you have read to and agree to the terms of the document**